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J-cuts help dialogue heavy scenes to follow a natural pattern. Using this technique to have the first seconds of return conversation occur over video of the first speaker can help to illustrate a natural conversational pattern with smooth transitions between speakers. of being a part of the conversation. rather than just a static observer. Use narrations Without J-cuts. scenes with narration would feel like watching an invisible talking head describe a scene to you – and that does not make for excellent storytelling.

Using J-cuts (combin with L-cuts) in scenes

Heavy with narration helps to convey emotion and create fluidity. Create an L-Cut in Camtasia a precing scene plays over footage from the email list   next scene. I have setup an L-cut on the timeline in the example below. Notice how the primary footage audio on the bottom track remains constant but the primary footage video is cut and the b-roll clip begins. This creates an “L” shape with the primary footage and its audio.. Create an J-Cut in Camtasia Now. lets see how a J-cut. which is essentially the reverse of an L-cut. appears on the timeline. I’ve chang the beginning of the video and setup a J-cut on the timeline. To do this.

I kept the same audio from

The primary footage on the bottom track. but I begin the video with b-roll. Then. I cut from the b-roll to the primary footage. The result is a shape between the primary footage and it’s audio that USA Person  approximates a J. AN example of a J-cut on the Camtasia timeline. A step further What we’ve seen so far are simple L-cuts and J-cuts us to begin a video. but that is by no means the only time they are useful. Let’s look at one more example in which both an L-cut and a J-cut is us to transition between two different speakers.

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