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Over the next few years he worked to improve it. In  he invented a somewhat simplified printing process that produced even better results. As a result the so-called Ives process reduced the cost of printing images by . It also became the standard printing technique for the next  years. Well now the process itself . aiwosom The printing process developed by Ives used the so-called .halftone printing. method: a photograph was divided into a series of tiny dots. The picture looked like a cluster of closely spaced dots but when viewed from a normal distance they merged together creating a full-fledged image of various shades of gray.

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Source unknown.  stages of creativity In  an advertising manager James Webb Young published a short guide entitled Idea Generation Technique . In this book he provided a short but powerful guide to generating out-of-the-box ideas. According to Young creative thinking is not about creating something completely new. Rather it is an analysis and transformation of already existing thoughts and ideas into something more recent. He was convinced that the creative Nigeria Phone Number List approach consists of  stages : Accumulate knowledge . At this stage you need to focus on the following: . study specific material that is directly related to your task but . at the same time remain open to new things. Think carefully. At this stage you analyze what you have learned. Get away from the problem.

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Then for a while you need to completely forget about this issue. Just relax. Do something that you really like and gives you a burst of fresh energy. Let the idea come back to you. And just at the moment when you stop puzzling over this or that thing as a kind of insight an idea arises by itself. Form an idea and develop it based on the opinions received. If it is important to USA Person you that an idea be successful you need to show it to the world. Be prepared for criticism. Idea in action deistvie The creativity of Frederick Eugene Ives clearly demonstrates how the  step strategy works . First  he accumulated the necessary knowledge.

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