That’s because the old version relied on pageviews to The next step is load the code. But, now that has changed. GA4 relies on events to collect data. That is, it identifies user actions on the website or app to account for that session. Some examples of events that are already configured by the tool: page views outbound clicks rollovers Site search file downloads and others Another difference between the versions is that now you have to configure the events you want to measure. In addition to the events mentioned, there are many others. So, you have to choose the ones that make sense to follow so you don’t miss any important data. See the full list of events available on GA4 .
Establishing the qualification criteria
GA4 enables app and website analytics Furthermore, if before Universal Analytics was focused on websites, now things have changed. With brands investing more and more in their own applications , Google felt the need to adapt the tool to integrate this functionality. So, GA4 makes it possible to measure Egypt WhatsApp Number List your website, apps ( IOS and Android ) and even an integrated flow between website and app. Attention: to measure application data you will need to create a Firebase account , Google’s tool. Platform uses. Machine Learning GA4 is based on Machine Learning that helps to automatically identify trends in data to optimize strategies.
Collecting lead information
It can help, for example, in choosing campaign audiences that have the greatest conversion potential through historical analysis. This seems like a small improvement, but it brings a potential factor of inconsistency in attributing conversion sources with other tools. Going beyond the attribution USA Person of first click and last click, it is now based on Google’s own algorithm. In practice, it is a solution found to bring greater assertiveness and evolve towards the end of dependence on cookies to generate metrics – which are being blocked by several platforms.