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How does a payment gateway work. The payment gateway is a system that makes contact between your virtual store and the customers’ banks and operators. This means of payment reduces transaction times and lowers transaction costs. It is a versatile tool that adapts to the different types of checkout and billing that exist in the main providers of online stores in the market. In addition to speed, they provide more security for your company and also for customers. For this reason, payment gateways generally have anti-fraud services and data security features.

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Today, we can say that the main payment gateways on the market are: Braspag sky yugu Pay me PagSeguro paypal PayU Payment gateway benefits So we can say that having a good payment gateway is essential to have good results. Below, we list some advantages that it brings to your e-commerce. Payment options: Choose which brands you want Greece WhatsApp Number List to work with and offer more options to the customer; Agility in the connection: From the moment the first connection is made with financial institutions, card operators or bank, operations are approved quickly.

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Al though not every payment gateway on the market has an anti-fraud system, the tool makes it possible to integrate the system that best suits the needs of e-commerce; Ease of checkout: The transaction checkout is one of the key moments for completing the purchase. It is at this time that cart abandonment usually happens and it happens precisely USA Person because the payment process is long and complicated. With the gateways, it is possible to perform the checkout on a single page, in addition to being able to configure the purchase in one click; Cost reduction: The use of gateways allows the merchant to negotiate payment fees directly with banks or card operators, normally a percentage of sales.


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