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Phrases on a given topic and links leading to the positioned page. They did not carry absolutely any merits but they commonly abused the rules of positioning. Do you want to learn how to effectively acquire customers from Google? See our SEO course which is a stepbystep instruction. The task of the SEO copywriter was to write a text that did not have to make much sense but had to contain as many key phrases related to the positioned page as possible. Fortunately this has changed and today an SEO copywriter writes among others: blog articles thematic articles product descriptions texts for websites sponsored articles. It is easy to see that today the work of an SEO copywriter is actually not much different from the work of a content writer.

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And in fact this line is beginning to almost completely blur because a content writer a person implementing a content marketing strategy within content must write in accordance with SEO Chief VP Compliance Email Lists rules anyway. This is because year after year Google puts more and more emphasis on the quality of content and positive user experience from reading them even slightly more than on the technical aspects of positioning. Why is writing for SEO important? However this does not mean that writing for SEO has completely lost its importance.

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While it’s possible to navigate

On the contrary writing for SEO is in a way even more important than it used to be because there are more and more companies and websites on the Internet and the positions on the first page of Google USA Person results are still the same. Therefore the text must not only be visible to Google and meet its technical assumptions but it must also answer users’ questions fulfill their intentions and be pleasant to read so that the reader spends as much time on the page as possible and does some action e.g. subscribing to the newsletter. The texts on the website are also supposed to build the socalled topical authority authority within a given topic and industry – they must therefore be substantive and diligently prepared.


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