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So I developed a system that now helps me read over books a year Let me explain… How to read more books Can you read. Already good. In such a case the matter is small you just have to find the right book make time and start reading. Yes much easier said than done. When I paid attention to how I read it became clear to me that most of my reading was mechanical not conscious. For example if some interesting link flashed somewhere on Facebook or Twitter I would read it automatically. I wasn’t in the habit of intentionally looking for something specific to read.

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I just read what caught my eye. As a result most of what you read is articles and just content. But I can say that there is nothing better than a book. So I had to develop a strategy to help me read more books no matter what. pages per day Here is a simple scheme Hungary Mobile Number List that I constantly adhere to pages to start a new day Every morning I wake up drink a glass of water write down things I’m grateful for and read pages of a book. For the past weeks I’ve been following this pattern. And today it is the th page of my th book. At this pace books in weeks I will read about books next year.

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Not bad Why does it work In my opinion pages is not much most people will be able to read it in minutes. It will not affect the daily routine in any way. And the amount of reading will grow extremely quickly. First hour How do you spend the first hour of a new day Most people spend it in a hurry packing up and running away somewhere on business. But what USA Person would happen if you got up an hour earlier and devoted this time to your self-development How would your personal qualities work and family affairs improve This is exactly what this scheme requires of you.

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