Are You Losing Leads

The font size is the same as Helvetica – it’s barely readable on modern computers. Are you telling your readers and by extension Google’s semantic algorithm what your site is about Are you linking to this information directly from the navigation at the top and/or side of the page Even better are you explaining with simple content or homepage navigation what readers and Google bots can find The text on the homepage of a site can be the most important text on the entire site. If your home page has half of the external and internal links to your pages as is the case in most cases every phrase is much more important than what’s on the internal pages.

Ways You Can Get More Leads for Your Network

Research results That’s how effective the themes on the Get Rich Slowly website are. picture- Rice. . Term bank account picture- Rice. . CD bets picture- Rice. . Credit cards picture- Rice. . Insurance rates picture- Rice. . Reviews about banks They often mention certain banks while ignoring other big banks such as TD Bank for example. Is there a reason why Wuhan Mobile Phone Number List Ally Bank is so well covered They claim to give you bank reviews but don’t say they focus on specific banks. Hummingbird is focused on satisfying a user request not specific keywords. You can’t rank for keywords related to bank reviews if you’re writing about a certain number of banks while ignoring other important banks.

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The Penny Hoarder website picture- Rice. The Penny Hoarder website Website The Penny Hoarder is one of the largest personal finance websites in the world. The site claims to have over million monthly readers and over million active subscribers. Boasting is their right. Their purpose is very clearly stated. Our goal is to improve people’s daily lives by helping USA Person them spend less time dealing with financial problems so they have more time to enjoy their lives. Now let’s talk about ratings. Research results picture- Rice. . Analysis of The Penny Hoarder website picture- Rice.  Saving Tips picture-  How to earn extra money picture- Rice.

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